Finding Customers Online Class

I want to thank everyone who responded to the question on my previous post of “what is custom quilting.” I am still working on my custom quilting article and hope to have it completed soon!

Last month I hosted my first ever LIVE online class, Finding Customers for your Machine Quilting Business, and it was great! The people who attended were wonderful, there were several lively discussions and we all had a great time. Everyone who attended, including me, learned a LOT! 

I was able to record the class and it is now on the Longarm Classroom website. To view the information about the Finding Customers class Click Here When you register for this class you have 90 days of 24/7 access to the online class.

In this class we talk about finding local customers, customers from out of the area and how customers can find YOU!

If you are just starting on your machine quilting business journey or you have been quilting as a business for a while, you NEED to attend this class!

To register for the Finding Customers for your Machine Quilting Business online class Click Here

If you were a student in this class and would like to comment about it, please feel free to do so. I look forward to reading your comments. If you would like to send me a private comment, please send it to me at 

I am planning on having another LIVE, online class in the not too distant future! When that class is ready, I will be sure to let you know about it! If there are any topics you would like to see in a class,  please let me know.


Custom Quilting-a Definition

I am in the beginning stages of writing a blog post about custom quilting and I have been thinking of the words “custom quilting.”

The words “custom quilting” has a HUGE scope to it! What one person considers custom quilting, may be someone else’s “regular quilting.”

My question to you is – In your business or in your quilting life, what do you consider to be “custom quilting?”

I am hoping that there will be several / many answers and responses and that we can come up with a definition of the term custom quilting.

You can post your answers and responses in the Comments below or send me an email at or

I am looking forward to your thoughts.